Sunday, March 8, 2020

Why Liverpool?

 "Why Liverpool?" is the question I'm asked after it's been made clear that I'm trying to settle here, that I'm not just another aging, obsessive Beatles fan on holiday from the States. 

To recap briefly, I lost my rent-stabilized apartment in Lower Manhattan to a fire and I've been trying to find a place to live that I can afford and be a legal, permanent resident. I could afford Mexico and Spain but I can't become a legal resident in either country. Costs, my Irish citizenship, and the NHS pointed to Liverpool.

A friend here recently asked me to compare the NHS with healthcare in the United States. This is a huge, complex subject and I'm no expert. But let me try to point out where I fit in.

If you have a good job in the States, it will come with health insurance. That's good. But if you're a young person who cannot take on a $100,000 loan to get the degree that will get you that good job? Well, that's not so good. 

As a senior citizen in America, I had (still have) Medicare and an AARP MedicareComplete add-on policy. Yet every time I saw a doctor, got a test, picked up my medications, or went into the hospital, I had to hand over a copay. This copay was often more than the full cost of getting the same medical help I could get in Mexico. In Spain, if you qualify, healthcare is free.

In the eight months, I've been here in the UK, in Liverpool, the NHS has never asked me for a dime (or ten pence). I've not been sick, thank God, but my Rx meds cost me nothing and seeing doctors and nurses, getting blood tests have cost me the same nothing.

Yesterday, I went to the large Boots Pharmacy in the City Centre to order a new pair of eyeglasses. Four different people waited on me giving me the most detailed, complete eye exam I've ever had. Two of the people were ophthalmologists. These extensive tests were free because of my age (the NHS again). The glasses I ordered were just £70. But I only had to pay £52.50.

The last time I had an eye exam and bought perception glasses in New York City, it cost me just over $500. 


  1. Much as we seem to complain about our NHS we would be sorry to lose it. the main problem appears to be insufficient government funding and staff over stretched. This is a case for great concern if Trump get's his hands on it.

  2. What am I doing here???
    I think I'm going to move to Liverpool!
