Sunday, July 19, 2020

My Blog

Some things I carry in my pockets these days.

This blog was never supposed to be me complaining about my personal situation, nor did I want it to be a weekly whining narrative of complaints about things in general. Most of all, I really do not want to write any more about the pandemic. Alas, here I go again. 

We would be better off listening to what the medical and scientific community has to say and ignoring inept leaders' dumb, cockamamie remarks. Yes, I'm referring to that Evil Clown who sits in the White House munching Big Macs and ignoring difficult facts. He's America's ingrown toenail.

I'm willing to give Boris a chance, although his wishful thinking that all will be well by Christmas was a shocker. I expected him to start singing "Jingle Bells" and handing out tiny toy trees. Prime Minister, were you not in Intensive Care just a short while ago with the virus? 

I'm neither a Tory nor a Labor supporter. With my Irish passport, I could legally vote in the UK, but I see myself as a guest in this country right now, not a shaker and surely not a mover. 

Pubs are getting ready for our return.

I must have mentioned this before: I grew up in American politics. My father served 30 years in the House of Representatives. The Hon. John J. Rooney, Democrat from Brooklyn, NY. I've shaken hands with three US Presidents, and a fourth, Harry S. Truman, stepped on my foot. Ouch! Harry wasn't following social-distancing.

Until we get an effective vaccine we will be plagued with COVID-19 and more people will die. Christmas 2020? I don't think so. 


  1. A sad view on our current situation, but unfortunately very true. Still some tough times ahead it seems. Stay safe.

  2. I am La Tejedora "The Weaver" Edo. 💖Nora
