Sunday, August 2, 2020


That's "street" as in street photography, meaning candid images that illustrate the natural environment with an emphasis on meaningful activities. Mostly that's people doing things, but Elliot Erwitt did five books on dogs doing things that would certainly qualify as "street." 

These days, I do a fair amount of street shooting myself, but the emphasis is on editorial stock (street for stock). An image is editorial stock if it suggests a caption to me. I want to shoot more street, more unplanned people pictures, but trying to find people doing

Henri Cartier-Bresson pioneered the genre of street photography. He viewed his art as capturing the decisive moment. He used small 35mm Leica cameras. The new phone cameras and pocketable digital mirrorless cameras have given street photography a new lease on life. Is everybody a photographer now? No, just 94.6% of us.

Soon after HCB came Walker Evens, Garry Winogrand, Bruce Davidson, Vivian Maier, and others. The full list, even just my favorites, is much longer. It does not include Magnum's, Bruce Gilden. Bruce is at the top of two of my other lists: Obnoxious People and Total Assholes. Magnum has seen better days.

Do you think Boris reads my blog? He did backtrack on his "normal by Christmas" statement after I made fun of it last week. So maybe . . . maybe. . . . Nah. 

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